Top Five Reads
skinny design’s top five books shortlist of inspirational, mindful and motivational reads
The standout and sole fiction of this collection is ‘Meanwhile in Dopamine City’, a near-future digital dependant society satirical novel that feels uncomfortably close to our current reality. Check out the links to all the titles on Google, in lieu of upcoming book reviews!
Golden Nuggets
book suggestions packed with golden nuggets of wisdom to live
The “golden nugget” in literary terms refers to a meaningful insight, valuable lesson, important take away or piece of profound wisdom that is imparted to the reader through the text. These are often pivotal ideas or moments in a book that resonate deeply, or offer perspective or understanding that can be applied beyond the context of the text itself. These ideas may be embedded subtly through characters, themes, or the narrative. As the expression suggests ‘golden nuggets’ aren’t always found in the books that are in our focus lane, but are invaluable reads you’ll definitely want to experience.
Don’t miss out on these nuggets, it’s an easier pitfall than you think. Some books captivate from cover to cover, especially when they resonate with the reader at that particular moment in their life journey. On the flip side there are books that feel laborious from the beginning and never seem to get off the ground. It’s understandable that we cast aside books that fail to engage us right away—no one wants to waste valuable time sifting through drab writing in search of a few good lines. However, this makes it challenging to discover those books packed with “golden nuggets,” as we can’t possibly read through every promising book title.
This is the shortcut through the vast woodlands of mediocre reads, taking you straight to the ‘golden nuggets’ titles; it is the bookshop cheat-code you have been looking for.
These are the books currently in the Skinny Design library. It is quite an extensive collection of books that are currently being worked through. Not every book will remain in the library, and the library will be updated again very shortly.